INF397 Full Stack Technologies View Schedule Print

About the course


experience real-world web development

understand web architecture and development process

Some of the technologies we will cover:

  • Bash, Git, JavaScript
  • Docker / Vagrant
  • Gulp / Webpack
  • React / Angular
  • Expess (NodeJS) / Flask (Python)
  • Mocha, Chai, Sinon
  • Travis CI / Jenkins


in percents of the final grade
  • Quiz - 30%
  • Project - 70%

Quiz - 30%

  • held on 17.03.2017

  • around 30 questions for 50 minutes

  • multiple choice
  • fill in the blanks
  • find a bug / analyze a code snippet
  • explain a concept / process

Project - 70%

General Guidelines:

  • Each team member should contribute to all aspects of the project
  • Contributions are NOT graded by volume. Keep it simple (silly)
  • Track your progress on the project dashboard on trello
  • Don't forget to push to the project repository in github
  • Set up continious integration and deployment


by week 2 (10.02.2017)
  1. Organize into teams
  2. Setup a github project repository
  3. Setup an agile project board
  4. Hold a project specification session
  5. Submit a project specification - 5%
  6. Hold a planning session
  7. Describe and assign work on the agile board - 5%


by week 3 (17.02.2017)
  1. Setup project tooling & development environment - 5%
  2. Write tests and application code - 5%
  3. Write documentation - 5%
  4. Syncronize development through git - 5%
  5. Hold a retrospective session - 5%


by week 4 (24.02.2017)
  1. Hold a planning session - 5%
  2. Setup continuous integration and deployment - 5%
  3. Write tests and application code - 5%
  4. Write documentation - 5%
  5. Syncronize development through git - 5%
  6. Hold a code review session - 5%


by week 5 (17.03.2017)
  1. Hold final planning session - 5%
  2. Write tests and application code - 5%
  3. Setup monitoring and analytics - 5%
  4. Write documentation - 5%
  5. Syncronize development through git - 5%
  6. Present the project in front of the class - 10%

Project Ideas:

  • To-do service
  • Webhook service
  • Aggregation service
  • Chat service
  • Game (e.g. Chess) service
  • Social media service
  • Flights search service
  • Maps + Weather service
  • AUBG related service

Project Example: To-do service

Course Schedule:

week 1 03.02.2017 History of the web Fullstack Principles Development Processes Agile Processes DevOps Basics Git
week 2 10.02.2017 Frontend Overview Backend Overview Network Overview Testing JavaScript Overview JavaScript Tooling
week 3 17.02.2017 Web Architectures RESTful principles SOLID principles Web Components Continuous Integration
week 4 24.02.2017 Databases basics Using APIs Deployment Automation Monitoring In-class project consultations
week 5 17.03.2017 Project presentations
Final Test
Course Retrospective and Q&A