INF397 Full Stack Technologies View Schedule Print

Web Components


Elements of the User Interface that are:
  • Encapsulated: contain all the HTML, CSS and JS
  • Independent: explicitly connected to the application
  • Reusable: use the same components in multiple apps

Atomic Design

Atomic Design

  • Everything is a component
  • Componens compose into larger components
  • Granularity, reuse and maintainability



  • Model: manages domain behavior and data
  • View: represents the display of a model
  • Controller: takes user input, manipulates the model which causes the view to update

  • Core idea: Separation of concerns

Unidirectional data flow

Unidirectional data flow

  • Actions: simple objects - type property and data
  • Dispatcher: central entry-point, routes actions to stores
  • Stores: execute logic for actions, contain pure state
  • Views: hierarchies of components, render on store state changes

  • Core idea: predictable data flow

Two-way binding vs Virtual DOM

  • Two-way binding: changes are applied individually, cascades may happen
  • Virtual DOM: batches changes, re-renders efficiently

Virtual DOM

Components Lifecycle

Components Lifecycle

  • Created: an instance of a component has been created
  • Attached: an instance has been attached to the DOM
  • Changed: an instance has been changed
  • Detached: an instance has been removed from the DOM

Web Component Standards

Custom elements
specification for designing and using new types of DOM elements
Shadow DOM
specifies how to use encapsulated style and markup in web components
HTML templates
defines how to declare fragments of markup that go unused at page load, but can be instantiated later on at runtime
HTML Imports
defines the inclusion and reuse of HTML documents in other HTML documents

Web Component Standards

The web components standarts are still being developed and are NOT yet ready for direct production use.
Many frameworks are simulating some of the Web Component features
The standards do NOT try to solve state managment or app composition

Course Schedule:

week 1 03.02.2017 History of the web Fullstack Principles Development Processes Agile Processes DevOps Basics Git
week 2 10.02.2017 Frontend Overview Backend Overview Network Overview Testing JavaScript Overview JavaScript Tooling
week 3 17.02.2017 Web Architectures RESTful principles SOLID principles Web Components Continuous Integration
week 4 24.02.2017 Databases basics Using APIs Deployment Automation Monitoring In-class project consultations
week 5 17.03.2017 Project presentations
Final Test
Course Retrospective and Q&A